National culture and entrepreneurship
Searching for national talent

Programme created in 2018 and promoted by CND through its "Dakaza" insignia, which establishes partnerships with Angolan artists and artisans, with the aim of promoting the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship of national creators.

This programme came about with the objective of increasing the differentiation factors of CND's specialised retail business by including the offer of locally manufactured original articles, integrating national artists and craftsmen in the organised retail.
For "Dakaza" customers, the "Raízes" Programme makes it affordable for them to purchase national art and handicrafts.
Artists and craftsmen are given space in the brand's shops to exhibit their articles and hold demonstrations and workshops with the participation of customers. "Dakaza" also promotes the notoriety of the creators, in addition to the sale of their articles.
- Entrepreneurship
- Inclusive economy
- Strengthening of national cultural identity
- National artists and small and medium-sized craftsmen
- General consumers.
- Distribution Sector in Angola
Artists and/or Exhibitions Promoted
Items sold
Sustainable Development Goals
Fazer Pescar Programme's contribution

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Reducing Inequalities
Reduce inequalities within and between countries.
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