Environmental Management
Continuous improvement
of environmental performance

The management of environmental aspects within the Teixeira Duarte Group is directly related to the environmental impacts of the activities of its subsidiaries and to the environmental performance of the buildings and infrastructures they construct and often maintain for their customers, specifically in the Construction sector.
In this field, emphasis should be placed on the obligation to meet all applicable legal requirements and other requirements associated with identified environmental aspects, as well as on the obligation to minimize the environmental impacts resulting from the activities of the different business areas, to ensure that the Company's activities can be developed in a sustainable manner.
Within the scope of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which extends to all entities within its consolidation perimeter and the scope of management, the Group states environmental preservation and friendliness must be essential principles in the work of employees of subsidiaries. These principles must also be transmitted to the indirect recipients of this instrument.
ISO 14001 is a world benchmark for environmental management systems, and several Teixeira Duarte Group companies use it to support their practices with a view to continuously improving their environmental performance, by incorporating specific processes to identify and manage the main environmental risks. Facilities Management supports their practices to continuously improve their environmental performance, incorporate specific processes to identify and manage the main environmental risks.
In the situations of the Group’s other companies, parameter-based and safeguarded environmental risks are essentiallythe ones that are indexed to legal aspects. However, in addition to management indexed to the control of legal compliance risks, measures/investments are also implemented from an operational efficiency point of view that are reflected in gains, specifically regarding energy consumption and waste management, among other gains.
Sustainable cities
More than half of the world's population now lives in urban areas, and it is estimated that this will reach two thirds by 2050. It is therefore imperative to find strategies that will enable cities to continue to grow while ensuring their resilience, sustainability, security and inclusion of their inhabitants.
In awareness of this global challenge, the Teixeira Duarte Group's subsidiaries, particularly companies involved in construction, Facilities Management and Real Estate, cooperate with local communities, local authorities and other stakeholders to identify and implement ways of managing the social and environmental challenges of cities.