
100 years of history born from the activity of Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte.


Beginning of the activity reported to the activity of its founder, Engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte

Beginning of the activity reported to the activity of its founder, Engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte

On October 15, 1886, Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte was born. A day that, every year, Teixeira Duarte celebrates as Company Day.

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The first major work

The first major work

In 1928, the engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte, tendered, in his own name, for the Construction Contract of the Vila Real de Santo António Port Quay, which was awarded to him, thus becoming the first Portuguese maritime works contractor.

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Specialisation in geotechnics and foundations

Specialisation in geotechnics and foundations

After 1934, the engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte resumed his initial plan, based on the specialisation in hydrogeology and geotechnics.

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At the technological forefront

At the technological forefront

The innovation put Teixeira Duarte at the top of the technology at the time, competing with the big international companies of the time, namely Belgian companies like Franki.

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A new paradigm

A new paradigm

The name of “Empresa de Sondagens e Fundações, Lda.” was changed to “Empresa de Sondagens e Fundações Teixeira Duarte, Lda.”, marking a change in the company’s operating paradigm, with the engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte assuming a prominent position in relation to the other partners.

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The first steps outside the Portuguese mainland

The first steps outside the Portuguese mainland

In 1951, and under a contract signed with Empresa de Cobre de Angola for the execution of a geotechnical prospection campaign in the Mavoio cupriferous deposit, Teixeira Duarte executed more than 3,000 metres of rotation boreholes with depths of up to 300 metres.

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Growth and diversification of the activity to other areas of the Construction Sector

Growth and diversification of the activity to other areas of the Construction Sector

The 1960s were years of growth for Teixeira Duarte, with works such as the foundations and structures of the Aviz Building and the Sheraton Hotel in Lisbon.

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International partnership and investment in know-how and innovation

International partnership and investment in know-how and innovation

In the 1970s Teixeira Duarte started a partnership with the French company Soletange Bachy, who brought know-how and experience in the area of Geotechnics and Foundations.

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Real Estate Sector: experience in the most diverse segments and markets

Real Estate Sector: experience in the most diverse segments and markets

The “Aparthotel Guadiana”, in Monte Gordo, in the Algarve, was built by Teixeira Duarte for a company that would be incorporated into the Group in 1974, and through this entity Teixeira Duarte began to operate in the Real Estate sector.

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Entry to Venezuela

Entry to Venezuela

The company “Tegaven – Teixeira Duarte Y Associados, C.A.” was set up in Venezuela in 1978, with the construction of the real estate project “Urbanización Palma Real” in Valencia.

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Know-how and technical expertise

Know-how and technical expertise

It was in 1979 that the final aspects of the project for the new Coimbra Central Hospital (today called Coimbra University Hospital) were completed. For Teixeira Duarte, this project was the first of its size under a design/build contract and also involved the provision of hospital and medical-surgical equipment.

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Decade of consolidated growth

Decade of consolidated growth

Construction (in 1980) and relocation (in 1981/82) of the Santa Iria Construction Yards to Vale Figueira, with total reorganisation, significantly optimising the use of space, teams and the work carried out there to support the ever-increasing number of construction projects in progress.

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Entry into Mozambique

Entry into Mozambique

The company started its activity in Mozambique in 1982, with the contract work for the “Consolidation and Positioning of the I Pillar Tower of the Zambezi River Bridge”, in Tete.

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Entry into Macao and activity in the Concessions and Services sector

Entry into Macao and activity in the Concessions and Services sector

Beginning of the activity in Macau in 1984, with the contract for the construction of the building of the Macau Security Forces Command and the establishment, in the following year, of the company “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções (Macau), Lda.

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Founding shareholder of BCP, with qualified shareholding until 2013

Founding shareholder of BCP, with qualified shareholding until 2013

Teixeira Duarte was a founding shareholder of “Banco Comercial Português, S.A.” in 1985, and has progressively followed successive capital increases and reinforced its strategic participation.

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Change of company name to “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”.

Change of company name to “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”.

In 1987, Teixeira Duarte transformed the company into a public limited company, increasing its capital considerably and changing its name to the current “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”.

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Major multi-annual contracts

Major multi-annual contracts

The early 1990s are marked in the history of Teixeira Duarte by the start of construction of the “Ponte da Amizade” (Friendship Bridge) which would link Macau to the island of Taipa, and by the design and construction of the Professor Fernando Fonseca Hospital in Amadora.

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Entry into the automotive sector

Entry into the automotive sector

The beginning of the Teixeira Duarte Group’s activity in the Automotive sector dates back to 1991, through a contract for the representation and distribution of Nissan vehicles in Angola by the company “TDA – Comércio e Indústria, Lda.

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Entry into the Hospitality Sector and reinforcement of know-how in Railway Works

Entry into the Hospitality Sector and reinforcement of know-how in Railway Works

The Teixeira Duarte Group began operating in the hotel sector in 1992, through the Hotel Sinerama, in Sines.
In the same year, with the acquisition of a stake in the share capital of SOMAFEL – Engenharia e Obras Ferroviárias, S.A., Teixeira Duarte strengthened its scope of activity in the construction sector.

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Relocation of headquarters to better and larger premises, centralising services dispersed throughout the growth

Relocation of headquarters to better and larger premises, centralising services dispersed throughout the growth

After 27 years with headquarters at Av. da República, nº 42, in Lisbon, Teixeira Duarte needed to centralise the services that were already spread out in various premises and relocated its head office to the “Open” Building located at Av. das Forças Armadas, nº 125, also in Lisbon.

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Activity growth in Portugal

Activity growth in Portugal

Between 1994 and 2003, the country’s economic stability and public investment boosted construction activity and Teixeira Duarte carried out major and important construction projects in Portugal.

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Participation in concession companies and the beginning of activity in the Environment area

Participation in concession companies and the beginning of activity in the Environment area

The launching of major public works tenders in the design, construction and concession regime has led Teixeira Duarte to carry out, from this time to the present day, major contract works and to have participations in various entities.

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Entry into the Distribution and Energy sectors

Entry into the Distribution and Energy sectors

Teixeira Duarte began operating in the Distribution sector in Angola in 1996, in a natural way, based on its previous experience of the need to create supply channels for its teams, which operated there in large numbers and dispersed throughout the territory.

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Investing in Marine Works

Investing in Marine Works

In 1997, SOMAFEL, S.A. established OFM – Obras Públicas, Ferroviárias e Marítimas, S.A., concentrating in this company its activity in this specific branch of Marine Works.

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Stock exchange listing of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”

Stock exchange listing of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”

For Teixeira Duarte, 1998 was marked by the opening of the share capital of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” to public investment, with the shares being listed on the then so-called “Lisbon Stock Exchange”, now Euronext Lisbon.

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Beginning of the activity of Facility Management and Maintenance

Beginning of the activity of Facility Management and Maintenance

As a natural consequence of the work developed in the area of Facility Management and by the growing demand of clients who wished to extend the trust relationship with the Group, through facility management contracts and maintenance of its assets, “TDGI – Tecnologia de Gestão de Imóveis, S.A.” was created in 2000.

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Entry into Spain and strategic shareholding in CIMPOR

Entry into Spain and strategic shareholding in CIMPOR

Teixeira Duarte began its activities in Spain in 2001, with the execution of the moulded walls works for the METROSUR – Madrid Metro project. Also in this year, as part of the reprivatisation process of “CIMPOR – Cimentos de Portugal – SGPS, S.A.” (CIMPOR), Teixeira Duarte held an important stake in this company.

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Lagoas Park and the growth of the real estate sector

Lagoas Park and the growth of the real estate sector

On April 1, 2002, Teixeira Duarte moved into its new head office building in Lagoas Park, Porto Salvo – Oeiras.

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Cement, Concrete and Aggregates Sector

Cement, Concrete and Aggregates Sector

This sector became individualised in the Teixeira Duarte Group in 2004, and the Group’s operations were developed through a set of companies operating abroad. The Group stopped operating in this sector in 2011.

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Entry into Algeria

Entry into Algeria

The activity in Algeria began, with the contract for the infrastructure work integrated in the project “Supply of drinking water to the cities of Mostaganem, Arzew and Oran”.

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Brazil: a strategic market

Brazil: a strategic market

The activities of the Teixeira Duarte Group in Brazil began in 2006 with the incorporation of the company “TDPG – Empreendimentos Imobiliários e Hoteleiros, Ltda.” for the development of a tourism and hotel project in Porto de Galinhas, State of Pernambuco.

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Activity in the Education Area

Activity in the Education Area

In 2007, the Teixeira Duarte Group started its activity in the Education area with the establishment of “EDUCARE – Actividades Educativas e Culturais, Lda.”, and the consequent opening of the Colégio S. Francisco de Assis Luanda Sul, in Talatona.

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“Polo TDA”, in Luanda Sul, and the subsequent restructuring of the Automobile sector within the Group

“Polo TDA”, in Luanda Sul, and the subsequent restructuring of the Automobile sector within the Group

Conclusion of construction of the “Polo TDA”, which came into operation in 2009, in Luanda Sul, becoming the largest automotive hub in Angola and one of the largest in Africa.

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TDHOSP – Gestão de Edifício Hospitalar, S.A.

TDHOSP – Gestão de Edifício Hospitalar, S.A.

After having completed the construction of the new Cascais Hospital building through “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”, its subsidiary TDHOSP, S.A. contracted with the Portuguese State a 30-year concession for the management of that building.

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Teixeira Duarte, S.A., the holding company of the Teixeira Duarte Group

Teixeira Duarte, S.A., the holding company of the Teixeira Duarte Group

Numa operação de reestruturação societária, que visava a concentração da “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” no seu core business, a “Teixeira Duarte, S.A.”, adquiriu, em 2010, a totalidade do capital social da “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”
In a corporate restructuring operation aimed at focusing “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” on its core business (the construction business), “Teixeira Duarte, S.A. acquired, in 2010, all the share capital of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”.

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Central Construction Yard in Montijo, the 3rd hotel unit in Luanda and changes in the Distribution sector

Central Construction Yard in Montijo, the 3rd hotel unit in Luanda and changes in the Distribution sector

On 1 April 2011, the new central yard “Polo Operacional Teixeira Duarte” was inaugurated in Montijo, which replaced the space until then occupied in Vale Figueira (since 1981/82).

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The “Fazenda Maxi” Programme and the growth and geographical expansion of the Group’s activity

The “Fazenda Maxi” Programme and the growth and geographical expansion of the Group’s activity

A Programme created in 2012 and promoted by the CND through its “Maxi” brand, which establishes partnerships with producers, with the aim of developing national production and making the best national agricultural products accessible to the entire population.

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The Teixeira Duarte Professional Development Centre, in Luanda Sul, and the “Fazer Pescar” Programme

The Teixeira Duarte Professional Development Centre, in Luanda Sul, and the “Fazer Pescar” Programme

Construction and development of the Teixeira Duarte Professional Development Centre, an autonomous space with several features, located in Luanda Sul, which brings together all the training in the areas in which the Teixeira Duarte Group operates in Angola.

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Beginning of the Group’s activity in Belgium

Beginning of the Group’s activity in Belgium

Over the years, TDGI has continued its sustained and continuous growth, gaining new clients and extending its operations to new markets such as Brazil and Belgium.

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The first edition of the “Todos Damos” Programme, entry into Qatar, the sale of two hotel units and the reduction in turnover and penalisation of results

The first edition of the “Todos Damos” Programme, entry into Qatar, the sale of two hotel units and the reduction in turnover and penalisation of results

Supporting social solidarity projects and institutions in the various countries, through initiatives that involve employees in direct action, and which are not exclusive, nor centralised on the decision of the Board of Directors, was the objective of creating the ” Todos Damos” (We All Give) Programme in 2015.

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Concession in the Port of La Guaira, Venezuela

Concession in the Port of La Guaira, Venezuela

Através da licença atribuída à “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.”, o Grupo tem vindo a proceder à comercialização, conservação, operação, administração, construção e aproveitamento do “terminal especializado de contenedores (Muelles 27 y 28- Sector Oeste) del Puerto de la Guaira”.

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Debt reduction and focus on investment

Debt reduction and focus on investment

In fulfilment of the objective of programming the speed of reduction of the Group’s bank debt, thus safeguarding adequate levels of liquidity, Teixeira Duarte, S.A., and other entities of the Teixeira Duarte Group, concluded on 24 April 2018, a “Framework Agreement on Teixeira Duarte Group Debt” with Banco Comercial Português, S.A., Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. and Novo Banco, S.A. which, in essence, provides for a significant reduction of bank liabilities in line with an asset disposal programme of approximately 500 million Euros, as well as the increase of the maturity of the financing and the optimisation of the cost of funding.

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Empowerment for better performance in the years to come

Empowerment for better performance in the years to come

Teixeira Duarte has taken important and difficult measures to build its capacity, including adapting its structure and improving liquidity levels and reducing debt in Portugal.

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100 years of Teixeira Duarte

100 years of Teixeira Duarte

Today, after 100 years, the group of more than 175 companies that make up one of Portugal’s main economic groups, operates in more than 20 countries, on four continents, through the commitment and dedication of 9,600 employees.

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