World Presence

Founded in Portugal, Teixeira Duarte currently operates in 21 countries and 4 continents.


Since 2003, Algeria has become a strategic objective for Teixeira Duarte.

In January 2004 the first proposal for a public work was presented and, after a dozen others in May 2005, it were awarded the first construction. From then on, and doing justice to the strategic nature of the country, Teixeira Duarte proceeded to mobilize personnel, equipment and capital that would allow for the creation of local structures that would enable it, as well as its participated companies, to contribute to the remarkable development of the country in competition with companies from all continents. Teixeira Duarte operates in Algeria in the Construction sector, with a strong focus in the area of public works and infrastructure.

After the first works in the fifties, Teixeira Duarte operates continuously in Angola since 1976.

The Group’s continued and expanded it activity to other areas, resulting from different business opportunities. Currently operates in Angola in the following activity sectors: Construction; Concessions and Services; Real Estate; Hotel Services, Distribution, and Automobile.

After having already carried out maritime works in Cape Verde between 2010 and 2014, the Teixeira Duarte Group returned to this market in 2019, with Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. to lead the consortium responsible for the Porto Inglês expansion and modernization works project, on the Island of Maio. This contract includes the creation of execution designs and performing all the work to refurbish the existing jetties, the construction of a pile sheet curtain and protruding breakwater, the expansion of the quay with the construction of a Roll on – Roll off platform on reinforced concrete piles with metal jackets, the refurbishment and expansion of the existing embankment, as well as ancillary work involving the refurbishment of buildings and road access to the port.

The Teixeira Duarte Group is currently represented in this country by its subsidiary SOMAFEL – Engenharia e Obras Ferroviárias, S.A.

This company began operations in Gabon in 2019, through a contract for the execution of ballast regularization works and heavy mechanical attack of the Transgabonais railroad in Gabon, a 670 km line that connects the capital city Libreville to the city of the French countryside.

In Morocco, Teixeira Duarte operates only through its participated company “SOMAFEL S.A.”, who is present in this country since 2005, where it has carried out important railway works.

Teixeira Duarte operates in this market in the the Construction Sector.

The Teixeira Duarte Group began its operations in Mozambique in 1982, by participation in the tender for the repair of the bridge over the Zambezi River, in Tete.

This was the first of many important works carried out in this country, where Teixeira Duarte has maintained a prominent position, with special emphasis on public works that have allowed for the development of Mozambique, namely schools, roads and bridges.

This consolidated position enabled the Group to diversify its business activity to other business areas such as Concessions and Services, Real Estate and Hotel services, the latter through three hotels: the AVENIDA Hotel and the Tivoli Hotel, both in Maputo, and the Beira Tivoli, located in this other important city of the country.

Teixeira Duarte acquired during 2011, the company “Global Net Distributors (PTY) Ltd.”, based in Johannesburg, with the aim of extending the country’s distribution sector, depending on the movements that occur in the SADC region – Southern Africa Development Comunity.


It was in 2006 that Teixeira Duarte approached the Brazilian market, through a real estate and tourism project in the State of Pernambuco.

It followed, soon after, the investment in the housing and office markets of São Paulo, where Teixeira Duarte has a unit dedicated to the development of projects, which also supports the said development in the northeast coast of this country.

In Brazil, in addition to real estate activity, the Group has also been operating in the Construction sector since December 2007, through its subsidiary EMPA, SA – Serviços de Engenharia, a company founded in 1954 and which operates, directly and indirectly, in the concessions business.

In this market, Teixeira Duarte operates in the following sectors: Construction, Concessions and Services and Real Estate.

Result of the geographical proximity to Brazil and Venezuela, where the Teixeira Duarte Group already has a solid presence, operations in Colombia arise from business opportunities in the areas of geotechnical and particularly underground works, in this case through a branch of its subsidiary “EPOS – Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, SA”.

Result of the geographical proximity to various markets where the Group does business in Latin America – namely Brazil and Venezuela, where the Teixeira Duarte Group already has a solid presence – operations in Ecuador arise from business opportunities in the area of infrastructures, in this case through a new consortium led by a branch of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” with the involvement of a local partner, to build a road bridge between Daule and Guayaquil.

In this country, Teixeira Duarte commenced operations by way of a branch of their partner company “E.P.O.S. – Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, S.A.”, established in the country as of October 2016.

In December of that year, a contract was signed with Construction Consortium M2 Lima, whose purpose was the implementation, at the Lima subway, of two excavated and clad galleries having a total length of 146m.

In 2017, the Group established the “Teixeira Duarte Perú – Ingeniería y Construcciones, S.A.C.” partnership in the country, with the intention of commencing operations within the areas of Geotechnics and Foundations, and also Maritime Works, through which several tenders have already been compiled.

In 2015, the Teixeira Duarte Group embarked on a process of entry into the real estate market in the United States of America, more specifically in the State of Texas. Apart from being a market with a higher level of development, this market currently shows good economic indicators and a low level of unemployment.

In this context, in 2015, the Teixeira Duarte Group incorporate a local entity named “TDRE Investments, LLC” and started the process of buying two plots of land in Dallas, specifically in the region of Turtle Creek.

In 1978, “TEGAVEN – Teixeira Duarte y Asociados, C.A.” was created in Caracas, Venezuela. It is a Venezuelan company comprised of mainly Portuguese capital and the participation of Venezuelan partners, Teixeira Duarte being the major shareholder.

The company has been following the development of the country and besides the construction of several large real estate projects, in the mid-80s it started to work on major public works, still keeping active in these areas.

Apart from some minor activities in the Real Estate area, the Group looks forward to carrying out large public contracts, for some of which they have already won public tenders.


Teixeira Duarte began operating in China (Macao) in 1984, through the construction of several important contract works, such as the Macau Taipa bridge.

It was in this Administrative Region that Teixeira Duarte began to operate in the field of Concessions and Services, through its participation, still held today, in the “CPM – Companhia de Parques de Macau S.A.”, for whom the company built several auto-silos and car parks.

Teixeira Duarte operates in Macao in the sector Concessions and Services.

Teixeira Duarte started to operate in this country in 2015, through its affiliate “TDGI – Tecnologia de Gestão de Imóveis, S.A.”(TDGI), which operates in the Concessions and Services sector.

Considering the corporate and legal framework in Qatar, TDGI teamed up with a local company called “PETROSERV” – which has been operating in the country for over 30 years in the services area associated with the Oil and Gas  sector, to incorporate a local entity known as “TDGISERV SERVICES, LLC”. Through this company it won a Facilities and Equipment Maintenance contract for a group of buildings belonging to the “QATAR FOUNDATION”, including the Sidra Medical Hospital and Research Center, the Al Shaqab Equestrian Centre, the Convention Center and the West Bay Tornado Tower, with a total of 625,000m2.

Over 200 technicians and supervisors from different areas and of different nationalities are currently working on this contract, along with a team of 15 engineers to ensure operational management.

The Teixeira Duarte Group is currently present in Kuwait through its main company in the Construction sector, Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.

This company signed, in 2019, two contracts for the construction of parts of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of UMM AL HAYMAN.


“TDGI, SA” is the entity of the Teixeira Duarte Group who heads operations in the Facilities Management area, and its continued growth in the last decade, consolidation and technological enhancement of its activity, the projection abroad and the partnerships with several multinationals, allowed TDGI to recently embrace new countries, including Belgium, which is one of the major business and decision centers of Europe.

In prospection in this market since 2012, got a first contract in 2013 and in 2014 already extended its operations to reference customers such as the European Parliament and the Jean Monnet Centre.

Teixeira Duarte began to act in France in 2005 through a branch of its subsidiary “Somafel – Engenharia e Obras Ferroviárias, S.A.”; which carried out several catenary works mainly in the Paris region.

After a significant slowdown in activity in 2011 and 2012, in 2013 resumed catenary work for the renowned French company in this specific sector of the construction “TSO Catenaire”.

It was in Portugal that Teixeira Duarte started its activity, in 1921, through its Founder, Mr. Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte.

In the beginning, the Company focused in the area of geotechnics and foundations, very personalised by its founder, having later expanded its activity to all sorts of constructions works, and since the 70s, to other sectors too.

In Portugal, Teixeira Duarte Group currently works in the sectors of Construction, Concessions and Services, Real Estate, Hotel Services and Automotive.

Teixeira Duarte began operating in Spain in 2004 and does so through the Spanish company GSC – Compañía General de Construcción y Servicios, S.A., and with the support of the operating centres of “TEIXEIRA DUARTE – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” and the branch that this company set up in this country.

In Construction, the type of contract works developed are mostly works for the so-called “public facilities”, whose main customers are local municipal councils, and are often linked to infrastructures engaged to another area of activity of the GSC, S.A., which is the collection and treatment of waste.

In some cases “TEIXEIRA DUARTE – Engenharia e Construção, S.A.” acts autonomously, through the teams from its Centre of Rehabilitation and Geotechnical Exploration, focusing mainly on subcontracts in these specific areas of construction.

In the area of Concessions and Services, GSC is dedicated to providing services related to the Environment, including the markets of: waste, road cleaning, gardens, beach cleaning, coastal lifeguard services, as well as several activities in Maintenance and Management of Real Estate and Urban Spaces, mainly in the regions of Madrid and Andalucia.

Another type of services that Teixeira Duarte has been implementing in Spain, are those related to Technology and Management of Real Estate, for which it has being relying on the support of the structures of its participate company specialized in this area: TDGI, S.A.

Real Estate has also been a business area that the Group has maintained from the beginning, carefully evaluating business opportunities and pursuing projects that it currently has:

– A housing building, located on Calle Amalia, near the Paseo de la Castellana and the Plaza Castilla, where a building with 12 apartments was built.

– Concession contract for the underground car park called “Parking Europa”, located on Avenida da Europa, in San Sebastian de los Reyes.

Teixeira Duarte has been mobilizing manpower and equipment, which allowed for the creation of structures that allowed for the development of various activities of the Group in this country: Construction, Concessions and Services and Real Estate.

The Group also holds a stake in the listed company “Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, SA”, which it regards as a strategic investment in Spain.

Teixeira Duarte commenced operations within this country in the railway market in 2016, through their local partner company “Somafel – Railway Construction, S.A.”. This company initially established a partnership with an English company for the design and construction of catenaries, but do not, however, overlook the possibility of presenting proposals for other opportunities which are pertinent to the railway industry.

We also highlight the fact that a consultancy contract was also signed for one of the main electrification projects currently underway in the United Kingdom: “Catenary project review consultancy for Network Rail, within the scope of the GWEP – Great Western Electrification Project”.