Teixeira Duarte
A Portuguese Group
founded in an Engineering company

With more than 175 companies and about 9,500 people operating in 22 countries, the Teixeira Duarte Group is present in six different activity sectors: Construction, Concessions and Services, Real Estate, Hospitality, Distribution and Automotive.
Listed on the stock exchange since 1998
Teixeira Duarte is listed on the stock exchange since 1998 and is dominated by family Teixeira Duarte, a situation that has ensured great stability, whether in strategy or in business structures.
Teixeira Duarte, S.A.", founded in 2009, acquired in 2010 and within the scope of a Public Exchange Offer, the entire share capital of "Teixeira Duarte - Engenharia e Construções, S.A." and became the top listed company of the Teixeira Duarte Group, today composed of a group of entities that are part of its consolidation perimeter.
Shareholder Structure
At December 31, 2022, the capital of "Teixeira Duarte, S.A." was distributed among 4,552 shareholders as follows:

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