Main Indicators


 20192020202120222023Var.% 23/22
Number of Employees10 7639 5999 0939 4898 689(8,4%)
Sales/Services Rendered877608539834767(8,0%)
Operating Income1 042723637904873(3,4%)
EBITDA / Sales/Services Rendered Margin21,7%16,5%(6,4%)7,2%10,0%2,8 p.p.
Operating Results (EBIT)13052(102)1938105,1%
Net income Attributable to Shareholders144(119)(13)(12)11,4%
Net Debt718694718698647(7,3%)
Total Equity Attributable to Shareholders300210170214130(39,6%)
Total Equity337238189232149(35,5%)
Total Net Assets1 8501 6001 6481 6981 519(10,6%)

The book values are expressed in million euros.
The figures in the “Variation 2023/2022%” column were calculated based on amounts that were not rounded off.
Total Equity includes non-controlling interests.