
Ensure and promote
a culture of effective integrity and ethics.

Ethics and Conduct

Teixeira Duarte, S.A. has a Code of Ethics and Conduct adopted by each of the Group's entities, which enshrines the intra-group principles of action for all employees of Group companies and, therefore the involvement of Teixeira Duarte, S.A. with stakeholders. It serves to reinforce and develop the Group's mission and values.

The Code is aimed at all Directors, Workers and Other Company Representatives. Furthermore, not only is it the responsibility of all of these employees to know about and grasp the Code, and to implement it within the institution and defend it externally, but also to encourage the application of the respective rules by third parties in the sector, and during the course of relationships that these parties maintain with any Teixeira Duarte Group entities.

In short, according to this Code, all partners of Group companies undertake to comply, defend and ensure compliance - even among indirect subjects - with all legislation and regulations in force in the countries where they operate, including any global or sector agreements and ethical rules specific to each professionals, as well as any and all commitments entered into on a contractual basis.

See the Code of Ethics and Conduct
See also the Business Conduct Policy


Corruption and bribery are inherent risks of all economic activities. The tool that guides the management of the Group's subsidiaries in this area is a com pliance program that establishes and implements a set of measures and procedures based on the CompliancePolicy, on the Code of Ethics and Conduct and on Teixeira Duarte's Mission and Values. With greater effectiveness and more evidence, its aim is to ensure compliance with the law and internal rules, thereby contributing to a climate of integrity and ethical culture during the activities of Teixeira Duarte Group companies.

The compliance system provides for risk assessment processes and financial and non-financial internal control procedures, which include preliminary investigations of third parties and staff members with high levels of responsibility, an Ethics Channel to which all employees and third parties must report any irregularities that are identified in relation to any external or internal regulations, among other measures.

The system also ensures the implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, according to which employees must act in order to assess and avoid possible conflict of interest situations, as well as to actively or passively prevent any corrupt behaviour, including facilitation payments or gifts, or the creation, maintenance or promise of irregular situations or favours.

They shall be obliged to report any information that constitutes misconduct, including those that constitute possible illegal or illicit practices in financial and accounting matters, fraud, corruption and money laundering, as well as any actions related, directly or indirectly, to terrorist entities or those that may target or support terrorist practices. They are also responsible for ensuring that indirect recipients of this code also do so.

Employees must act in such a way as to actively combat any attempts at money laundering by refusing to participate in any act that may be defined as such under current legislation and regulations, as well as refusing to participate in any attempt, collusion, facilitation or advice to commit this crime.

They must also take actions to prevent any Teixeira Duarte Group company from being able to supply, collect or hold funds or assets in any way that could be used for financing and supporting criminal activities, specifically terrorists.

Plan for Prevention of Risks Of Corruption and Related Infractions

Teixeira Duarte, S.A. has implemented a Plan for Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions (PPR) – drawn up taking into account the operational realities, both geographical and sectoral, of the companies that make up the Teixeira Duarte Group – which aims to identify and classify risks and situations that may expose Group entities to acts of corruption and related infractions and, furthermore, establish and implement a set of measures and procedures based on the Business Conduct Policy, the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Mission and Values of Teixeira Duarte, with a view to ensuring compliance with the law and internal standards with greater effectiveness and evidence, allowing the reduction of the probability of occurrence and the impact of identified risks and situations, contributing to a climate of integrity and ethical culture in the development of activity of the Teixeira Duarte Group.

Thus, this PPR applies to all eligible companies of the Teixeira Duarte Group and its employees, as well as other elements which, regardless of their legal and functional relationship, provide work or services, and constitutes a fundamental management tool that it makes it possible to reinforce and consolidate the procedures and mechanisms for the prevention and detection of corruption and related infractions.

The execution of the PPR is subject to control, and this execution can be monitored through Assessment Reports:
- April 2024 Annual Assessment Report
- October 2024 Interim Assessment Report

The PPR of Teixeira Duarte, S.A. will be reviewed every three years, or whenever its review is justified in view of a possible change in its responsibilities or in its organic structure.

Relations with people and organizations

In Portugal, Teixeira Duarte - Engenharia e Construções, in compliance with the SA 8000 Standard, promotes respect for labor rights and safe and healthy working environments for all workers, and among suppliers and contractors, by demanding compliance with social responsibility requirements, with an emphasis on the following:

– Not using or supporting the use of child labour, or forced or compulsory labour;
– Providing a safe and healthy environment for doing work;
– Not hindering freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
– Not engaging in or supporting discriminatory acts in any form;
– Not practising or supporting the harsh or inhuman disciplinary practices;
– Acting in compliance with applicable laws and standards of the respective area of activity, in matters relating to working hours;
– Remuneration considered adequate for the work effectively done, always respecting legal stipulations.

Based on the geographical area in which the supplier operates, the type of activity it carries out and the Company's ability to influence it, the potential social risk of suppliers is assessed in relation to the expected risk, and the cases of greatest risk are monitored.

In the particular case of subcontractors, Group companies in the construction business have put specific mandatory contractual provisions in place, in addition to legal provisions, in the areas of occupational health, safety and hygiene, including occupational accident insurance, personal protective equipment, accident rates, training and information, and the prevention and control of alcoholism, among other areas.