Teixeira Duarte performs structural
reinforcements and repairs anomalies on the Dom Pedro II bridge
over the Paraguaçu River, Brazil

The Brazilian economic group VLI – a well known entity in the field of logistics solutions for railways, ports and terminals ( –, through its subsidiary “Ferrovia Centro Atlântico, S.A.” contracted Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. to carry out “Structural Reinforcement and Anomaly Repairs on the Dom Pedro II Bridge, at km 139+750 on VLI’s Minas-Bahia corridor”, in Cachoeira/São Félix, in the state of Bahia, Brazil.
The road and rail bridge over the Paraguaçu River, also known as the “Imperial D. Pedro II Bridge”, was built to connect the cities of Cachoeira and São Félix, and was opened in the presence of the Emperor himself, on 7 July 1885. It is a metal trellis bridge on caissons, with a wooden deck and a total length of 365 m and a width of 9 m. A significant construction for the economy of the Bahía region in the 20th century and one of the largest engineering projects in South America at the time, nowadays the bridge is also one of Cachoeira’s must-see attractions.
The project includes the structural reinforcement of masonry pillars, of secondary metal components, strengthening of upper lines, the replacement of 160 diagonal members of the bridge and 16 support devices, as well as the partial replacement of chequered plate flooring, cleaning and painting.
The work will be done by the Operation Centres of the Geotechnics and Refurbishment Areas and by the Metalwork division of Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções. It has a planned duration of 24 months.
Teixeira Duarte Group commenced its activity in Brazil in 2006 and operates in the area of real estate development in São Paulo’s residential and office markets. The Group began commenced its operations in the construction sector in December 2007 and currently operates through Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. and its local subsidiary EMPA, S.A.
Brazil has become a strategic market for carrying out the Group’s activity. In 2016 it accounted for 14% of its overall turnover, which increased to 20% in the first six months of 2017.