Teixeira Duarte releases its 2020 Annual Report and Accounts

The Board of Directors of Teixeira Duarte, S.A. published this Friday, April 30, the financial statements for the year 2020, for approval at the Annual General Meeting to be held on May 24.
The management report presents the results for the year, as well as the main highlights of the activity and the financial indicators for 2020, which can be consulted here.
This set of disclosed documents includes, besides the consolidated management report - which includes a chapter regarding non-financial information -, the individual and consolidated accounts, the corporate governance report, as well as the certification and reports and opinion of the supervisory bodies.
The published documents related to the referred Annual General Meeting of Teixeira Duarte, S.A., including those necessary to participate or be represented at that meeting, result from the content of the respective notice, which can be consulted here.