“River Plaza” development, by Teixeira Duarte, wins National Real Estate Award 2024

The “River Plaza” residential development, promoted and built by the Teixeira Duarte Group, was the winner of the “Northern Housing” category of the 2024 National Real Estate Award, whose awards ceremony took place on April 18th. The 26th edition of the 2024 National Real Estate Award featured 44 finalist projects, with 14 projects being distinguished in 5 different categories. The National Real Estate Award is an initiative by Magazine Imobiliário, which aims to reward the quality and innovation of real estate development in Portugal.
Completed in 2023, the “River Plaza” is part of the urban transformation and revitalization that is underway in Vila Nova de Gaia, particularly next to Rotunda Eng.º Edgar Cardoso, which will benefit from one of the main metro stations of the future Rubi Line , with connection to the Casa da Música station, Devesas and Santo Ovídio, and where 2 other projects developed by Teixeira Duarte are also being sold and built, “Vintage 18” and “Kori Living Evolution”.
The recognition obtained by “River Plaza” in this competition proves the exceptionality of the project, filling with pride all the teams that, with enthusiasm and hard work, contributed to its completion.